【02.19-03.08】112-2 Semester (including 112-2 Summer Break) Green Campus Project - Subsidy for Clubs to Organize Environmental Activities
To encourage clubs in organizing green environmental activities and to promote the implementation of sustainability principles on campus, this project aims to provide financial support to clubs engaging in such activities.
I. Application Procedure Application Period: From 2/19 to 3/8. Eligibility: Clubs registered with the Student Activity Division for the 112-2 semester. Required Documents: Activity Application Form, Activity Proposal (including details such as activity time, location, process, and budget). Proposed themes may encompass Earth sustainability, green vegetarianism, environmental beach cleaning, SDGs goal advocacy, second-hand book exchange, flea markets for reused items, etc., all related to green campus issues. Activity Execution Period: From the present date until 9/2.
II. Reimbursement Procedure Reimbursement Date: Within one month after the conclusion of the activity, and no later than 9/9 (non-compliance with this timeline will be treated as relinquishing the subsidy eligibility). Activity Reimbursement: Follow the specified reimbursement regulations of the project budget and include an activity results report (which should incorporate at least 10 photographs).
III. Please submit both application and reimbursement documents to Liu Yuting at the Student Activity Division. For any inquiries, please contact Liu Yuting at the Student Activity Division, phone: 3366-2066#23, email: yutingliou@ntu.edu.tw.